Brother Buffalo's logo.  A one eyed buffalo's head charging towards you.

Authentic North American Blues Band

Brother Buffalo is a Salzburg based band performing real North American Blues and Rock.  You can expect shows with rarely performed covers, jams and original material.

Brother Buffalo ist eine Band aus Salzburg, die echten nordamerikanischen Blues und Rock spielt. Sie können Shows mit selten gespielten Covers, Jams und Originalmaterial erwarten.

Sechs erfahrene Musiker aus den USA, Großbritannien, Italien und Österreich haben ihre Gitarren, Keyboards und Drums mitgebracht und Salzburg zu ihrem "Dahoam Away from Home" gemacht. Mit powervollen Riffs, souligen Stimmen und groovigen Beats bringen die Musiker auf authentische Art und Weise eine kräftige Portion Blues und Rock nach feinster US Manier. Bandleader und Gitarrist Dave Long bringt es auf den Punkt: "Man braucht kein Flugticket um echten amerikanischen Bluesrock zu erleben, wir liefern ihn direkt vor Ort!"

Zahlreiche Eigenkompositionen ergänzen das Repertoire wobei Großen Wert auf Authentizität gelegt wurde. Die Band spielt das, was man bei den Bluesrock Festivals im Land der Route 66 und den weiten sandigen Steppen von Texas erwarten würde. Zum Leben erweckt werden Covers von Legenden wie The Allman Brothers Band und Ben Harper. Aber auch ausgewählte Newcomer wie JJ Grey, Gary Clark Jr und viele weitere kommen dabei nicht zu kurz. 0815 Pub Standards sucht man bei Brother Buffalo vergebens! Dafür erlebt man aber eine unvergessliche Reise durch die nordamerikanische Bluesrock Geschichte. Dabei geht es quer durchs Land vom Mittleren Westen bis zum Mississippi Delta und von Los Angeles nach New York! Echte Bluesrock Fans kommen dabei voll auf ihre Kosten!

Six experienced musicians from the USA, Great Britain, Italy and Austria have brought their guitars, keyboards and drums and made Salzburg their home.. With powerful riffs, soulful voices and groovy beats, the musicians bring an authentic dose of blues and rock in the finest US style. Bandleader and guitarist Dave Long puts it in a nutshell: "You don't need a plane ticket to experience real American blues rock, we deliver it right on the spot!"

Great emphasis was placed on authenticity in the repertoire. The band plays what you would expect to hear at blues rock festivals in the land of Route 66 and the vast sandy steppes of Texas. In addition to studio-recorded original songs, the band also brings to life their own versions of songs by legends such as The Allman Brothers Band and Ben Harper. But also selected newcomers like JJ Grey, Gary Clark Jr and many more. Experience an unforgettable journey through the North American Bluesrock history. Travelling across the country from the Midwest to the Mississippi Delta and from Los Angeles to New York! Real blues rock fans will get their money's worth!

The Sound of Brother Buffalo

Check out a few samples from Brother Buffalo;  some are live, some are studio recorded but all are Brother Buffalo originals that will feature on the upcoming LP.   Of course, the band love to entertain the crowd with their list of American Blues Rock covers along with their originals.  Songs chosen not for their overwhelming popularity but tunes that the band want to bring to life to a live audience. 

Seen Nothin' - Live Sample
Keep On Solo - Live Sample
Payin' Dues - Live Sample
Miss Green -Live Sample
The Tracks/Desert Jam - Live Sample
What You Got - Live Sample
Shotgun Blues - Live Sample
Keep On - Live Sample
The Tracks - Live Sample
Stormy Monday - Live Sample

For more tracks and some full length songs, get on to the band's soundcloud page to listen to much, much more.

Video Media

Use the controls to stream through our online video content or visit our channel on youtube.


Booking and Contact Info

Bookings are now being taken!  It is worth booking early to avoid any disapointment as we are often in demand, whether as a group playing together or on other international projects.

Due to Covid 19 we have suffered from many event cancellations! - Due to this we have a lot of availability from when the restrictions have been relaxed!

Pricing is venue and function dependant.  PA can be added to your booking or provided by the venue/agent.  We have a full specifications and equipment rider sheet available on demand.

Please use the form below to contact us.



Grab your merch from - just click on the link below to open a new tab and purchase some rare treats!